my life diary💜

A lit bit of what I experience!

  • Deconstruct, Revaluate and Reconnect

    Depression, financial burden and situations like heartbreaks or loosing someone gives us this second chance to deconstruct and revaluate ourselves. 90% of the population works on auto pilot mode, you might have passion for something or someone but not yourself. Most of us don’t really have a choice, because this is something we are taught… Continue reading

  • Unresolved Emotions

    I choose to feel every emotion, I don’t suppress them, but I don’t let them stay for a long time. Easy to say, isn’t it? There is no right or wrong way to feel your emotions, but sitting with them, allowing them to unwrap is important. A lot of us don’t understand this concept, well… Continue reading

  • Are we mature enough?

    People say once a person starts understanding small things instead of speaking out on big things are when they are matured. I do agree with line and mostly all of us will. But sometimes we need to understand how emotions work in different situations. Some things are so easily relatable and fun to understand and… Continue reading

  • Drowning

    Do you feel like drowning a bit more than usual, going as deeper as a new world enters? Hiding all that pain and remaining answers? That cringes in your heart that suffocates you from every angle.   Continue reading

  • Moon and stars 

    And here I dream to lay down next to you.  Gazing upon the stars and wanting some more of you.  This feeling of the warmth of your skin is so enchanting and enduring.  Wish we could be an eternity like the moon and stars. – Aanchal Sharma  I have added a voice over to make… Continue reading

  • Real people 

    Real people will always stay in your life no matter what happens. They will motivate you to become a better person every day. They will always bring out the real person in you. They will always have the time and patience to listen your words. They will always make you feel beautiful inside out. Real… Continue reading

  • Survival 

    ​There are stories you will hear about you and they may sound like a haunting nightmare. People will try to kill you with words, they will make you feel guilty about who you are and why do you even exist? You exist because you are worth every piece of chaos in this world. You exist… Continue reading

  • My Story #1 ( Speak up for yourself!)

    Aggressive/Abusive Relationships- So i was in a abusive relationship. In a way that the guy was very aggressive with me. He used to beat me up at times or sometimes verbal abuse. And the biggest problem was to leave him because every time i tried to leave him with some different reasons, he would threaten… Continue reading

  • Maa ( Mother)

    Her unconditional love and exceptional beauty. #Maa – Aanchal Click Here to read my previous post on Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful women out there. I hope you guys are doing well. I have been really busy in my semester exams so couldn’t really write up a lot but decided to come up… Continue reading